Historically Eclipse Che used a PostgreSQL database for storing relevant information about the users, workspaces, devfiles, preferences, SSH keys, etc. Overall there were dozens of tables in the database which represent the state of the Eclipse Che instance:

psql (13.7)
Type "help" for help.

dbche=> \dt
                            List of relations
 Schema |                      Name                       | Type  | Owner
 public | account                                         | table | pgche
 public | che_factory                                     | table | pgche
 public | che_factory_action                              | table | pgche
 public | che_factory_action_properties                   | table | pgche
 public | che_factory_ide                                 | table | pgche
 public | che_factory_on_app_closed_action                | table | pgche
 public | che_factory_on_app_closed_action_value          | table | pgche
 public | che_factory_on_app_loaded_action                | table | pgche
 public | che_factory_on_app_loaded_action_value          | table | pgche
 public | che_factory_on_projects_loaded_action           | table | pgche
 public | che_factory_on_projects_loaded_action_value     | table | pgche
 public | che_free_resources_limit                        | table | pgche
 public | che_free_resources_limit_resource               | table | pgche
 public | che_k8s_machine                                 | table | pgche
 public | che_k8s_machine_attributes                      | table | pgche
 public | che_k8s_runtime                                 | table | pgche
 public | che_k8s_server                                  | table | pgche
 public | che_k8s_server_attributes                       | table | pgche
 public | che_member                                      | table | pgche
 public | che_member_actions                              | table | pgche
 public | che_organization                                | table | pgche
 public | che_organization_distributed_resources          | table | pgche
 public | che_organization_distributed_resources_resource | table | pgche
 public | che_resource                                    | table | pgche
 public | che_sign_key                                    | table | pgche
 public | che_sign_key_pair                               | table | pgche
 public | che_system_permissions                          | table | pgche
 public | che_system_permissions_actions                  | table | pgche
 public | che_userdevfile_permissions                     | table | pgche
 public | che_userdevfile_permissions_actions             | table | pgche
 public | che_worker                                      | table | pgche
 public | che_worker_actions                              | table | pgche
 public | che_workspace_activity                          | table | pgche
 public | che_workspace_cfg_attributes                    | table | pgche
 public | command                                         | table | pgche
 public | command_attributes                              | table | pgche
 public | devfile                                         | table | pgche
 public | devfile_action                                  | table | pgche
 public | devfile_attributes                              | table | pgche
 public | devfile_command                                 | table | pgche
 public | devfile_command_attributes                      | table | pgche
 public | devfile_component                               | table | pgche
 public | devfile_component_arg                           | table | pgche
 public | devfile_component_command                       | table | pgche
 public | devfile_component_preferences                   | table | pgche
 public | devfile_component_selector                      | table | pgche
 public | devfile_endpoint                                | table | pgche
 public | devfile_endpoint_attributes                     | table | pgche
 public | devfile_entrypoint                              | table | pgche
 public | devfile_entrypoint_arg                          | table | pgche
 public | devfile_entrypoint_commands                     | table | pgche
 public | devfile_entrypoint_selector                     | table | pgche
 public | devfile_env                                     | table | pgche
 public | devfile_project                                 | table | pgche
 public | devfile_volume                                  | table | pgche
 public | environment                                     | table | pgche
 public | externalmachine                                 | table | pgche
 public | externalmachine_attributes                      | table | pgche
 public | externalmachine_env                             | table | pgche
 public | k8s_runtime_command                             | table | pgche
 public | k8s_runtime_command_attributes                  | table | pgche
 public | machine_volume                                  | table | pgche
 public | preference                                      | table | pgche
 public | preference_preferences                          | table | pgche
 public | profile                                         | table | pgche
 public | profile_attributes                              | table | pgche
 public | projectattribute                                | table | pgche
 public | projectattribute_values                         | table | pgche
 public | projectconfig                                   | table | pgche
 public | projectconfig_mixins                            | table | pgche
 public | schema_version                                  | table | pgche
 public | sequence                                        | table | pgche
 public | serverconf                                      | table | pgche
 public | serverconf_attributes                           | table | pgche
 public | serverconf_properties                           | table | pgche
 public | sourcestorage                                   | table | pgche
 public | sourcestorage_parameters                        | table | pgche
 public | sshkeypair                                      | table | pgche
 public | user_aliases                                    | table | pgche
 public | userdevfile                                     | table | pgche
 public | usr                                             | table | pgche
 public | workspace                                       | table | pgche
 public | workspace_attributes                            | table | pgche
 public | workspaceconfig                                 | table | pgche
(84 rows)

However, with the switch to DevWorkspace Operator and Devfile v2, all this data becomes irrelevant since we started using native Kubernetes resources instead.

The data is now stored and managed as Kubernetes resources such as Secrets and ConfigMaps in the user namespaces:

Secrets from the user namespace
ConfigMaps from the user namespace


As an example, SSH keys are now configured using the dedicated secret.

Starting from the Eclipse Che 7.62.0 release, the PostgreSQL deployment has ceased to exist, resulting in only 5 operands: Che Server, User Dashboard, Plugin Registry, Devfile Registry, and Gateway.

Eclipse Che operands


No manual migration steps or action items are required for this change to take effect. The PostgreSQL deployment will be gracefully terminated and removed during the update. All the obsolete data stored in the database will be removed.

It is also worth mentioning that most of the https://<che_fqdn>/swagger endpoints are now deprecated and going to be removed in future releases. The only endpoints that are still used are related to the namespace provisioning, Git OAuth configuration, and the factory flow:

  • /kubernetes/namespace/*

  • /oauth/*

  • /factory/*

Next steps

Decommissioning the PostgreSQL database in favor of native Kubernetes resources provides several benefits, including: improved scalability, flexibility, and easier management.

Ultimately, moving away from traditional database architectures and embracing Kubernetes makes Eclipse Che agile and competitive in an increasingly complex and demanding technology landscape. For example, in the next Eclipse Che releases we plan to make it possible to configure a number of replicas for operands from the CheCluster CustomResource, which was not possible before due to the PostgreSQL database dependency:

        replicas: 1
        replicas: 1
        replicas: 1
        replicas: 1

The progress of this particular feature can be tracked in the upstream issue. As always, we look forward to your valuable feedback, comments, remarks, and proposals on this work or anything else related to the project, through our mailing list, GitHub, or Mattermost.  
We wish you an enjoyable and productive coding experience with Eclipse Che!